What Is Juice Plus?

Juice Plus+ has been in existence for a while. It has a Wikipedia page and was first introduced in 1993. According to that page, Juice Plus is offered through multi-level marketing and studies on its benefits have produced contrasting and contentious findings. 

Despite Juice Plus’s assertion that its products’ performance is supported by research, a number of detractors have contended that there is no scientific evidence to support Juice Plus’s considerable health advantages and that the company makes false claims in its marketing materials.

In fact, numerous marketing assertions made regarding Juice Plus products are untrue or deceptive.

Additionally, they claim that extracts from fruits and vegetables are also included in vitamins and nutrients in Juice Plus dietary supplements. However, there is no proof that Juice Plus has any positive effects on health whatsoever. 

So the question is, is Juice Plus a fraudulent pyramid scheme? Should you join this organization? Or could this be a legit multi-level marketing opportunity? To learn more, just keep on scrolling!

The fact that you’ve taken a moment to scrutinize this product before signing up should be applauded. You’ve done yourself a huge favor. Your due diligence will save you from potentially wasting your time and money.

A good bit of research always goes a long way in the fight against online scams. Creating a sustainable full-time online business is not difficult. You just need to know where to look.

Before we proceed I’d like to let you know that I’m not linked to Juice Plus in any sort of way and I’m not trying to sell you this product.

Instead, I’d like to show you why this program should be avoided…


Juice Plus Product Review

  • Name of Product: Juice Plus
  • Owner: Jay Martin 
  • Type of Product: Health & Wellness MLM
  • Cost of Product: $50 to join, plus a $70/month of minimum auto-ship requirement
  • Who Is This Product Best For? People who are good at networking and recruiting.

Juice Plus Product Summary

You can sign up to work for the nutritional brand Juice Plus and join their direct selling team. It operates with an MLM business model and as a result, Juice Plus is sometimes referred to as a pyramid scheme (which it isn’t, by the way).

Juice Plus is actually a legitimate MLM business opportunity, which is the good news. Real money can be made here if done properly. Product-wise, it is also legitimate but somewhat arbitrary.

The main issue with Juice Plus is that they continue to rely heavily on conventional recruiting, and many people have complained about the unscrupulous marketing techniques used. Not to mention the controversies surrounding the claims they made on their products.

Product Rating: 20/100

Would I Recommend This Program: NO!

Recommended: Discover how you can build a Full-Time 4-Figure Monthly Income with No Previous Experience.

Juice Plus Background


Juice Plus is a multi-level marketing firm that specializes in health and wellness. They sell a variety of vitamins to assist you to obtain the daily nutrition you need. They intend to “bridge the gap between what you should eat and what you do eat every day” and describe themselves as “the next best thing to eating fruits and veggies.”

It’s also possible for average people like you and me to sell these products and hire other people into the multi-level marketing business so they may “be their own manager” and work remotely.

However, if you’re considering this firm, you need to be aware that Juice Plus has quite an intricate, albeit complicated and confusing history that you need to comprehend. Although Juice Plus offers Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) opportunities, it is not a stand-alone MLM firm.

Instead, it’s essentially a branded line of dietary supplements that are offered using the MLM business model and contain concentrated fruit and vegetable juice extracts enriched with additional vitamins and nutrients.

Furthermore, National Safety Associates (NSA) was established by Jay Martin in 1970. He developed a number of product lines since then, including home fire detectors in the 1970s, water filters in the early 1980s, and air filters in the late 1980s.

Juice Plus is only one of many product lines that the NSA founded in 1993. In actuality, this is the company’s first nutritional product line. However, National Alternatives International, a different company, produces Juice Plus products.

See? It’s all quite complicated, right?


Inside Juice Plus

Nearly all MLM businesses that focus on health and wellness produce unique but related nutritional supplements. Juice Plus creates supplements that are rather distinctive and are based on actual fruits and vegetables at a time when the nutritional supplement market is resembling a fiercely competitive red ocean.

Let’s look at the information below to have a better understanding of the products this company offers.

Juice Plus accomplishes the following in a few easy steps:

  • They juice the fruits and vegetables.
  • Take the juice’s carbs out.
  • Add the vitamins and additional nutrition.
  • The juice is dehydrated, then made into pills.

And in essence, that is how they develop their distinctive supplements to “replace” fruits and vegetables in your diet.

The Products


Juice Plus+ has a variety of goods available. Usually, they fit into one of the following groups:

  • Nutrition bars
  • Drink mix
  • Chewables Capsules

Juice Plus also sells 3 different kinds of capsules:

  • Fruit blend
  • Vegetable blend
  • Berry blend

It’s crucial to realize that this is not a healthier alternative to consuming actual fruits and veggies. Additionally, several different multivitamins offer the same advantages.

How Does Juice Plus Work?

Like every other MLM company on the globe, Juice Plus operates. It gives individuals like us the ability to profit from it by selling its products to others.

Therefore, you have two options: sell their goods and receive retail commissions, or expand your downline teams by recruiting others to earn various bonuses and incentives.

They save millions by doing this instead of paying to advertise their products. And by doing this instead of them, you can make a consistent income. Both parties benefit from the situation. Funny thing is, though, that 99.99% of affiliates don’t follow this procedure. They concentrate on downline development and direct marketing.

Recommended: Everything Needed To Create Your Full-Time Online Business From Scratch Can Be Found Right Here

Getting Started with Juice Plus

In order to get started with the business, you must first pay a $50 one-time enrollment charge, which includes introductory training, marketing materials, your own custom website, the back office, and some other tools. In addition, you need to maintain a minimum monthly order of about $70.

Compensation Plan


As you can see, there are a total of 7 ranks. As you advance through the ranks, more commissions, bonuses, and incentives will become available. You can add 6% more commission to your retail sales profit once you reach the status of direct distributor.

In simpler terms, your percentage of commission increases with rank. That’s basically the foundation of their compensation plan.

But recruiting must be done if you want to rise through the ranks. The more people you hire, the quicker you can rise through the ranks. That’s simply how most MLM businesses operate.

Juice Plus Ugly Truths Exposed!

#1 Product Effectiveness Is Sketchy

“Do Juice Plus supplements work?” is the most frequent yet divisive query MLMs receive in the health and wellness sector.

The usefulness is very debatable, just like with any company’s nutritional products. While some people feel nothing at all, others can have really favorable effects on their bodies. You must thus use it yourself to determine whether it functions.

#2 Heavily Relies On Recruiting

As I indicated, the number of individuals you recruit and the effectiveness of your downline team define your rank, which in turn determines your commission.

The worst part of their hiring practices is that they continue to use the conventional methods of hiring. Not to mention, the fact that they ran out of prospects and lacked the skills to properly hire individuals is one of the main reasons why the majority of people failed in this industry.

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Advantages of Juice Plus

#1 It’s Legit And Has Been In Business Since 1993

Juice Plus has the benefit of having been around since 1993, which is a very long time in business. They have therefore been in operation for more than 25 years. More importantly, NSA, the business that created Juice Plus, has been in business since 1970, which is more than 45 years.

Juice Plus would have been closed down by organizations like the FTC years ago if it were a scam, pyramid scheme, or something like that.

Is Juice Plus a Scam or a Legit Program?

Juice Plus is not a pyramid scheme or a fraud. If you develop the proper recruiting and sales techniques, you can truly succeed in this line of work, but I don’t advise MLMs because they have very poor revenue potential unless you have a strong network marketing skill set.

How Do I Use The Internet to Make a Full-Time Salary?

I’m not a big fan of get-rich-quick schemes, let’s just say that I’ve been caught short a few times.

Instead, Affiliate Marketing is my leading recommendation for people that want to build a thriving full-time online business working from home.

Here are my reasons why…

  • You can get started for Free.
  • There’s no pressure to recruit family and friends, or anyone else for that matter.
  • You can create a business from virtually any product including the ones that you already buy. You are not limited to low-income or inferior products.

Affiliate Marketing can help you to…

Generate a 4-Figure Monthly Salary and become financially free from the limitations of a traditional day job. You can do this in less than 12 months!

If you want to find out how I did it, Click Here!


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