What Is List Leverage?

You’re told that the List Leverage, developed by a man by the name of Matthew Neer, can help you quickly establish a sizable email list (nearly automatically) and make a ton of money as a result. These are some strong assertions.

In addition, the technique is said to have been created with beginners in mind, so essentially anyone can sign up and benefit from it. But is it legitimate, or will List Leverage try to trick you instead? Many people have been asking that question.

The good news is that if you’ve been wondering the same thing, you’ve come to the perfect spot to find out. I’ve looked into it more closely, and in this review, I’ll reveal the truth about how it all functions and whether or not you can actually make any money with it.

The fact that you’ve taken a moment to scrutinize this product before signing up should be applauded. You’ve done yourself a huge favor. Your due diligence will save you from potentially wasting your time and money.

A good bit of research always goes a long way in the fight against online scams. Creating a sustainable full-time online business is not difficult. You just need to know where to look.

Before we proceed I’d like to let you know that I’m not linked to List Leverage in any sort of way and I’m not trying to sell you this product.

Instead, I’d like to show you why this program should be avoided…


List Leverage Product Review

  • Name of Product: List Leverage
  • Owner: Matthew Neer
  • Type of Product: Email Marketing/List Building Program
  • Cost of Product: $49 per month or $398 per year with upgrades
  • Who Is This Product Best For? No one!

List Leverage Product Summary

Matthew Neer, a well-known web marketer, developed List Leverage, an “all in one” email marketing system. This technique is said to be able to multiply one lead into thousands. In addition, you’ll see that it has an MLM-like incentive structure where you can be compensated for recommending people to the program.

According to Matthew, his plan doesn’t necessitate a lot of work or effort. In other words, the system does most of the work for you. Simply provide the necessary funding for the project, then watch the cash flow.

Even while it seems impressive, we wouldn’t suggest it as a full-time revenue source. There is no assurance that you will make a lot of money and the program is so pricey, to begin with.

Product Rating: 20/100

Would I Recommend This Program: NO!

Recommended: Discover how you can build a Full-Time 4-Figure Monthly Income with No Previous Experience.

List Leverage Background


As I have already mentioned, List Leverage is a training curriculum for email marketing. But a more accurate statement would be that it’s an expensive way to learn how to promote this and other internet money-making schemes from Matthew Neer.

In case you are unaware, he is also behind programs such as the $5K Formula System, Viral Cash App, Income League, and much more.

As you can see, I’ve seen Matthew’s programs before. I don’t have anything against him personally, but I find that he isn’t the most moral internet marketer out there.

He asserts that using List Leverage, you may easily generate a ton of money. Simply send and click to receive $1000 every day on autopilot thanks to the work of others. This sounds more like a get-rich-quick scheme to me than anything else.

As you can see, this individual has a penchant for occasionally coming up with overly touted systems, which, in my opinion, is not a good indicator.

According to Matthew, he will provide you with a tried-and-true method for using lead capture websites to get leads. So List Leverage is essentially a DFY email marketing strategy that you can reportedly use to generate a ton of income quickly. That seems like a really good deal, no?

I have, however, seen a couple of his other programs, and they did not live up to expectations. These courses are intentionally designed to encourage you to spend a lot of money on tools and resources. Matthew earns commissions once you sign up and that is honestly the main goal of this entire scheme.

Additionally, Matthew will offer video training in which he will demonstrate how to put this lead generation strategy together.


Inside List Leverage

So what exactly is inside List Leverage? Here’s a breakdown of what to expect:

List Leverage Software Suite ($49/month or $398/year)

With the use of this program, you may quickly build high-quality email lists through the use of leverage. This grants access to their Viral Lead Pass-up System and just 3 lead capture pages.

Additional Upgrades

You can also opt to use these upgrades for List Leverage.

  • Pages ($97) – includes access to all 15 of the most effective Squeeze pages as well as an extra 15 high-converting lead capture pages, all for just $6.40 each.
  • Swipes ($247) – Neer’s top 1,000 email swipes, which are available in more than 1,000 email marketing swipe file templates, are collected in Swipes. Although it is claimed that this automates your marketing, little is actually understood about how it works.
  • Webinars ($497) – This includes more than 30 hours of information that Neer gathered through interviews with members of his close-knit network.

Add-On Products

  • Traffic Authority – This package’s price ranges from $220 to $8,397, which is far higher than what you should be expected to pay for traffic.
  • Send Shark – This pays up to 50% commission and costs $25 a month for 50,000 subscribers, which is kind of a decent deal, but you get what you pay for. With one of the lowest industry inbox rates, the subscribers’ quality is seriously in question. I’ve heard reviews claiming that emails from Send Shark are immediately routed to spam bins.

How Does List Leverage Work?

The List Leverage system is built around email marketing and growing an email list, as the name would imply. Many people are interested in this topic since they frequently hear that “the money is on the list.”

Most online marketers will tell you that building an email list is essential for success online and that it is where they make the majority of their income.

Although I do believe you can succeed online without having an email list, having one can substantially boost your income. It’s not as straightforward as “create a list and earn wealth,” though. Building an email list and making money from it successfully is not as easy as it looks.

But that’s where the List Leverage system comes in since its creator, Matthew Neer says he’s taken care of everything for you and that he’s developed a cutting-edge strategy that can help you double a single subscriber into thousands.

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Getting Started With List Leverage


List Leverage is available for either the Newbie Program for $49 a month or the Super Affiliate for $398 per year. If you do a little calculation, the Super Affiliate option will cost you only about $33 each month. However, if you’re just trying things out, you can sign up for the Newbie Program at first and then upgrade if you like it.

However, keep in mind the upgrades I have also mentioned above. This is an expensive program and I do not recommend it at all.

List Leverage Ugly Truths Exposed!

#1 Expensive & Overpriced!

If you want to pay yearly, their programs will cost you roughly $500 for the initial investment—and that’s without taking into account the program’s add-ons. There are more effective and affordable email list-building tools available. Other list-building tools and applications that are better than List Leverage have been evaluated on our site.

#2 Low Income Potential

Because you’re selling pricey goods to marketers, there is simply no assurance that you will make money with their scheme. Simply put, no one will buy this product from you. Because they wouldn’t be able to fully utilize their compensation plan, there is no motivation to offer this package. If all you want is to participate in the compensation plan, it is a waste of money.

Their official website states that the typical associate earnings vary from $300 to $1,800 a year, which is certainly not outstanding.

Advantages of List Leverage

#1 Decent Compensation Plan

The only thing they have going for them in this evaluation is some decent incentives for their members to promote the service. The majority of these programs don’t even have established referral networks.

List Leverage has a decent pay structure in place, but regrettably, there is no assurance that you will be able to profit significantly from their program.

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Is List Leverage a Scam or a Legit Program?

Internet marketers can use List Leverage to build their email lists for their already-running online businesses. On the strength of their product and their compensation structure, I would not, however, advise it.

With that said, if you’re looking for genuine and legitimate opportunities to make money online and if you’re not scared of putting in long hours, acquiring new skills, and changing your financial situation, you might want to get into affiliate marketing.

You can generate money online while also helping others by connecting people with the items and services they require or looking for.

The best thing about affiliate marketing is you can also use your knowledge of your hobbies, passions, and interests to establish your own profitable internet business.

If this is something that interests you, check out my recommendation below.

How Do I Use The Internet to Make a Full-Time Salary?

I’m not a big fan of get-rich-quick schemes, let’s just say that I’ve been caught short a few times.

Instead, Affiliate Marketing is my leading recommendation for people that want to build a thriving full-time online business working from home.

Here are my reasons why…

  • You can get started for Free.
  • There’s no pressure to recruit family and friends, or anyone else for that matter.
  • You can create a business from virtually any product including the ones that you already buy. You are not limited to low-income or inferior products.

Affiliate Marketing can help you to…

Generate a 4-Figure Monthly Salary and become financially free from the limitations of a traditional day job. You can do this in less than 12 months!

If you want to find out how I did it, Click Here!


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