
Hi Folks,

Welcome and thanks for actually checking out my About Me page. Okay, where do I start? If we’ve not been introduced, my name is Jonathan or just Jay. I founded this website a few years ago after receiving various questions from family, friends and colleagues about working online. Some of the questions included:

  • “Your online business is awesome. How on earth did you create it?”
  • “It must have cost you a fortune. Did you take out finance?”
  • “Setting it up looks too complicated. What experience do you need?”
  • “How did you build a business whilst holding down a full-time job?”


Have a look around my site and you’ll soon see that getting started online is a lot easier than you might think. Before I jump into that, I want to give you a bit of background about my journey.


Up until recently my experience of working online had been a roller coaster ride with many ups and downs. On any given day I’d be flying high followed shortly by a slump, and I’d be back to the drawing board.


So it got me thinking. I wanted to build a sustainable online presence rather than jumping from one “great opportunity” to another.


I wanted to avoid getting attracted to products that promised overnight fortunes, commonly known as shiny objects. I was desperate to succeed online.


I began researching and scouring the “work-from-home” market but came up against scam after scam.


Fortunately, I found an awesome solution whilst reviewing a potential product. It provided step-by-step instructions to earn a full-time income online. By this point, I was tired of looking and couldn’t help but wonder if this was yet another scam. It wasn’t.


I’ve learnt how to create successful websites centred on products and services that I’m passionate about. It’s the best job in the world because it doesn’t feel like a job 🙂


This site is a by-product of my online pursuit to success. I want aspiring online newbies to get the best possible start at creating a thriving internet business. If you like the sound of that, Get started here.


Thanks for visiting my site. If you need to ask any questions or would like to get in touch, you can contact me here.


Founder of Building An Online Home Business (BAOHB)

 if you cannot do great things, do small


Create An Awesome Profit-generating Website at Home. You Don’t Need Fancy Design Skills to Get Started.

Low Cost

Unlike a Bricks & Mortar business, the cost to start and run your online home business is much lower


Get market leading training from the best online affiliate marketers. Follow in their footsteps.


Watch your business grow as you guide your readers to products they’re searching for. Growth = revenue


  1. Joseph Bismark

    Glad to be one of several visitors on this awesome web site : D.

    • Jay Mulban

      Thanks Joseph. Drop by again soon. I’m always posting useful information to help you and others create a full-time business from home 🙂

    • Victor

      Im very interested in gtnietg a Forex automatic system to trade for me.I have heard great things about forex robots,but i have no experience with them.Would you recommend any of them? Thanks

      • Jay Mulban

        Hi Victor, The problem with forex robots is that you are limiting the control of your investment i.e. your deposit by letting automated software trade for you. I’ve not yet come across a reliable automatic forex system. thanks Jay


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