Build A 5-7 Figure Amazon Business With MARKETPLACE SUPERHEROES!


If you’re fed up of outdated training that never seems to help you accomplish your business goals then you need to seriously consider MarketPlace SuperHeroes for the latest market-leading Amazon training!

With MPSH you’ll be guided on how to choose highly profitable products, giving you the best chance at growing a successful online business.

You’ll be shown the exact products to sell, the process of discovering them, as well as taking advantage of a unique MPSH filter to source opportunities that reap the biggest rewards.



  • Created from scratch by FBA experts.
  • Easy-to-follow strategy.
  • You’ll be guided through a process to scale your business.
  • In-depth training to source the best items.


  • Their Facebook group is not very big.

MPSH Overview

Are you thinking about building an Amazon FBA business or struggling to get one off the ground?

Perhaps you already know a lot about the MarketPlace SuperHeroes program and are doing your due diligence and you found this MarketPlace SuperHeroes review.

I’ll level with you, building and managing a thriving Amazon business is not as simple as what other programs might make out to be.

On top of finding the right products to sell, you’ll need to find an effective way of how to sell them along with a series of other things.

Over several years, Amazon FBA courses have sprung up everywhere online, from introductory courses as cheap as $10 to premium master courses.

I discovered Marketplace Superheroes while looking for the highest-ranked Amazon FBA courses.



I got a feel for the program after viewing their YouTube channel. I liked the clarity of their information, especially after watching countless videos of people on YouTube flashing wealth instead of providing valuable content.

Rather than using hyped-up sales tricks, MPSH has built a dependable program to actually help members.

If you’re wondering how much their course cost, it’s not even close to the obscene prices charged by alternative premium courses.

In this review, I’ll go over the costs involved and a lot more so that you can decide whether this is the best program for you.

The course is laid out in a simplistic format to assist you to pick out Amazon products that aren’t competitive and sell these items for higher profits.

A big advantage of MPSH is that it offers more features than a standard course. There’s a whole community inside this program along with a great set of tools to grow a successful Amazon FBA business.

MPSH Company Background

The MarketPlace SuperHeroes training program was founded by Robert Rickey and Stephen Somers. They both manage the training as well.


Robert Ricky is a renowned digital marketer with more than 20 years of experience. The knowledge he has acquired over this time has enabled him to build a prosperous online empire.

But he’s not afraid to admit that his mistakes have also contributed to his success.

Rather than following the crowd, Robert likes to use a methodical strategy to handpick products to sell on Amazon, therefore, getting rid of the assumptions that lead to a lot of people’s failures.

Robert is a reliable mentor with an astounding track record of selling huge amounts of products on Amazon that average a profit of 20%-30%.

Stephen Somers has 7 years of experience in online marketing and his life changed after meeting and joining forces with Robert.

Prior to meeting Robert, Stephen wasted a lot of time and money trying to grow his own online business to no avail.

But as soon as Stephen partnered with Robert, he started looking at the aspects of online business in a different light and soon generated more than enough profit to quit his mundane day job!

Furthermore, as Stephen learned the foundations of running a reliable online business, he quickly built a multi-million dollar empire through Amazon sales.

Stephen is a renowned online marketer with several successful businesses and has made millions.


The rest of the Marketplace Superhero leadership team comprises of Lisa Somers, Will Esterhuyse, and Michael Elliot.

The Pitfalls That Catch Out Many Newbies

If your ambition is to start an Amazon FBA business, this program will provide you with all the tools needed to succeed in the current online landscape.

To thrive with Amazon FBA requires more than just following a YouTube tutorial. You need to find the best products to sell, assess competitors and source a good supplier. Getting any one of these aspects wrong will almost certainly break your business.

Unfortunately, you’ll find plenty of lousy courses out there that teach you unscrupulous shortcuts like sourcing risky goods or purchasing fake reviews.

A lot of these risky items have been recalled from Amazon as they’re considered to be either dangerous or harmful.

You don’t have to worry about any of the above when you sign up with Marketplace Superheroes. You’ll be taught safe and reliable strategies to grow a sustainable business.

Cost Of Marketplace Superheroes

MPSH is unique when compared to most of the Amazon FBA courses circulating online.

The main aim here is not to create a huge FBA business. Instead, MPSH focuses on generating a comfortable lifestyle that’s free from long days and managing several workers.

Their formula is straightforward. It involves sourcing generic products that are in constant demand, without following every latest craze.

The aim of the course is to help you achieve a salary of $300,000 per year by just selling items that can be managed simply.

I’m not sure about you, but $300,000 is a lot of money for most people to quit their day jobs, live a comfortable lifestyle, travel the world, and buy virtually anything they want.


Let’s check out the course in a bit more detail below:

A Detailed Assessment of Marketplace Superheroes

Marketplace Superheroes is a thorough course delivered over 12 different modules with a comprehensive guide on how to use their features and the training to grow a flourishing Amazon FBA business.


The standard modules are part of the Core 2.0 program which is the focal point of the MPSH course. This is an in-depth program that leaves no stone unturned and is presented in a format that’s easy to understand and follow.

MPSH Membership Area

From the onset, the membership section can feel a bit overwhelming. You will find 9 different sections, which house their own tutorials.

To kick things off, simply select the Marketplace Superheroes Core V2.

The first stage of the training will commence. There are 6 modules to complete with 4 – 5 videos for each module.

Be prepared to go through a lengthy course. Marketplace Superheroes is a detailed program that looks at everything involved with building a high-performance FBA business to make sure that you’re not susceptible to the same pitfalls that many people have suffered before.

On top of that, the course material can either be in audio or written format depending on your preference since we all learn differently.

Next up, we’ll look at each core aspect of the program.

MPSH Core 2.0 Program

As mentioned earlier, the MPSH Core 2.0 course comprises of 9 distinctive training sections.

At first, each section can seem overwhelming on its own because of the magnitude of each one (there’s a lot to learn but, that’s a good thing from my perspective).


Let’s check out each section:

MPSH Core System v2 Phase 1

The 1st section looks at the general mindset as well as research. This phase contains 6 modules which consist of 45 videos with various strategies as follows:

Marketplace Mindset Module

Here you will go through 7 videos that offer a high-level overview discussing the course expectations and everything you will learn.

The Search Phase

There are 9 videos that will train you on how to research products effectively. This section also reveals several tools that you will use to examine various products, thus complementing your product research strategies.

The Shortlist Phase

Here you will find 6 videos that will train you on the process of filtering products and shortlisting items that easily convert into sales.

Select Phase 1

The 5 videos in this module provide a deeper understanding of effective product selection.

Select Phase II

This section introduces you to the supplier stage. There are 7 videos that show you the process of sourcing and selecting products that sell best.

You will explore distinct markets and start looking for a supplier depending on the products that you select.

The Source Phase

This section contains 11 videos with extensive training on sourcing products.

You will be shown the specific process required to find a reliable supplier and how to request for samples as well as branding. You will also be taught how to master your negotiation skills.


MPSH Core System v2 Phase 2

Part 2 of the training provides you with tutorials regarding logistics. There are 6 modules containing 51 videos in total.

The Seller Central Phase

Here you will be presented with 68 in-depth videos. In module 6 you will be provided with the essentials to create and operate a business. Module 7 builds on the previous module by refining everything you’ve learned as well as offering actual specifics.

You will be shown how to organize your business or reorganize it if required. You’ll also learn how to create a seller account.

Purchasing and Importation

This module comprises of 7 videos. You’ll learn the nitty-gritty of purchasing products and importing.

The FBA Roadmap

There are 5 videos in this module. By now, you will have products ready to sell and as such, this section will explore the FBA process further.

You are given a deeper knowledge of the licensing, rules, and terms related to Amazon Seller Central.

The Listing Optimization Phase

This consists of 9 videos that train you to build product listing pages that convert extremely well.

The Account Management Module

These 13 videos focus on optimizing the management of your Amazon FBA business on a daily basis.

International Expansion

These 7 videos center around the specifics of scaling your business into an international venture.

The whole Core course is one of the few programs that goes through every aspect of selling on Amazon and how to succeed at it.

If you focus and complete the 12-module course, you will strengthen your chances of succeeding with your Amazon FBA business!


MPSH Bonus Modules

In addition to all of the above, the course offers extra bonuses if you join the program.

These additional resources will boost your status to top Amazon seller.

Furthermore, these bonuses will enhance your expertise to deal with complicated problems that generally affect Amazon sellers.


The extra bonuses are as follows:

Fuel Your Empire

This resource expands your knowledge in sourcing and selecting the best possible items to sell.

You’ll never have to go through this challenging process without any help. The bonus lets you follow Robert and Stephen while they source the best Amazon-selling opportunities.

Fuel Your Empire – God Series A

Here you’ll be provided with 3 videos which all focus on speeding up and optimizing your whole product research strategy.

Fuel Your Empire – God Series M

Another 3 videos that specialize in the best Amazon market analysis.

Invincible Importing

This resource will enhance your skills to become an expert at product importation.

$1K/Day Roadmap

A vital bonus resource that teaches you the process of generating $1,000 per day.

30-Min Legendary Listings

You will be shown the method of auto-selling by taking advantage of high-converting Amazon pages.

Superhero Sprint

Another great bonus of all of the boot camps as well as the sub-sessions. Superhero Sprint is an upsell of Marketplace Superheroes, but it’s not offered to you until you are much further along with the course.

This module enables the MPSH team to track your progress and growth as you work your way through the program.

Instead of purchasing the upsell at the beginning of the course, you are given the opportunity to get your business off the ground and then take it to another level with this upsell.

Long-term Thinking

A critical thought process is vital when running a business. This resource will shift your mindset to the right way of thinking to succeed and scale your business.


Marketplace Superheroes Strategies

MPSH utilizes 2 selling techniques which are- Product Selection and Expanding Internationally.

Product Selection

Over the entire course, MPSH utilizes a specific method of choosing products to show you how to spot the best products, how to filter them, and only select the best from the bunch.


Expanding Internationally

If your main market is solely the United States, you will benefit hugely from this strategy.

The majority of Amazon courses don’t include this strategy but to grow a thriving business, you need to set your sights on selling internationally.

The knowledge shared within this module is extremely helpful as it’s not included in lots of alternative courses, therefore, placing you ahead of your competitors.

MPSH Software

Marketplace Superhero course offers a wealth of videos and training but in addition to this, it provides proprietary software called the 4S Product Gauntlet.

This is a browser extension that simplifies the method of filtering and shortlisting the best-selling products and opportunities for your chosen niche.

The 4S Product Finder gives you the ability to price your products accurately and gather vital information from prospective suppliers.

The software is hailed for its capabilities to Search, Select, Shortlist, and Source (4S). These are the critical elements of correct product search.

Build A 5 – 7 Figure Global Amazon Business

The Marketplace Superheroes Community

In addition to the robust course and resources, Marketplace Superheroes is made up of an active community with more than 4,000 members.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a complete newbie or an expert at selling online, the friendly community will welcome you with open arms and you’ll receive additional support from your peers.

The community is a crucial aspect of the course because it keeps you centered and encourages you to keep moving forward.


The support system and pep talks are brilliant. MPSH provides immediate feedback and detailed commentary regarding selling online.

The admin team are experts in anything to do with Amazon sales and it’s evident that they are highly knowledgable in this area.

Use them whenever you get stuck with any of the modules or if you have any queries regarding selling on Amazon.

Furthermore, the owners of Marketplace Superheroes are constantly arranging boot camps globally to help people collaborate and broaden their knowledge.

They’ve held conferences in Spain, Ireland, and the United States over the past few years. If you manage to attend, you’ll get the chance to adopt new strategies and network with others.


What Are The Differences Between Marketplace Superheroes and Amazing Selling Machine?

If you’ve been researching the Amazon FBA course, you would have most likely come across Amazing Selling Machine, another reputable course on the market.

I would say that it’s potentially one of the leading FBA courses currently available because of its foolproof strategy which is updated annually.

Amazing Selling Machine businesses are so good that it’s not unusual to find them being sold for millions.

Success is guaranteed, but the tradeoff is it’s expensive. People know that the program is a sure thing which means it can be sold for a whopping $4,977.

As such, most people cannot afford Amazing Selling Machine.

Marketplace Superheroes offers an affordable solution. Their course is very similar to Amazing Selling Machine but the difference is that it’s much cheaper at $997.


Should You Buy Marketplace Superheroes?

Marketplace Superheroes caters to people that want to create an online business without any previous knowledge.

If you want to create a sizeable business that you can sell later, you might want to look into Amazing Selling Machine.

But if it’s a lifestyle business that you’re after and can only afford to spend $1,000, Marketplace Superheroes is your best option and a course worth every dollar.


It will guide you from the early stages of running your online business right through to the complicated elements.

Once you’ve completed the course, you will emerge as an Amazon FBA specialist. If you’ve been procrastinating with kickstarting your online business, start today and make the leap (you won’t regret it).

With MPSH you never need to take this journey alone. Their friendly community and course will support you all the way to success!

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