What Is Ecom Babes?

It’s always great to find online courses aimed at empowering women and assisting them in starting their own online businesses. That’s why for today, we’re going to look at a course program that claims to be able to help you build and scale your own eCommerce business.

Will this course, however, be able to live up to its claims? Or will it be just another disappointment? 

In the last two years, Cortney Fletcher has assisted over 2,000 women in starting their own online boutique. She teaches a method called Connective Ecommerce by sharing her secrets in a course called Ecom Babes.

It’s essentially her take on Shopify dropshipping, which allows you to open a business without having to invest in inventory, advertisements, personnel, or rents, among other things.

If you want to find out more about what Ecom Babes has to offer, just keep scrolling.

The fact that you’ve taken a moment to scrutinize this product before signing up should be applauded. You’ve done yourself a huge favor. Your due diligence will save you from potentially wasting your time and money.

A good bit of research always goes a long way in the fight against online scams. Creating a sustainable full-time online business is not difficult. You just need to know where to look.

Before we proceed I’d like to let you know that I’m not linked to Ecom Babes in any sort of way and I’m not trying to sell you this product.

Instead, I’d like to show you why this program should be avoided…


Ecom Babes Product Review

  • Name of Product: Ecom Babes
  • Owner: Cortney Fletcher
  • Type of Product: Dropshipping/eCommerce Training Program For Women
  • Cost of Product: Not specified.
  • Who Is This Product Best For? Female entrepreneurs or women who want to get started with eCommerce.

Ecom Babes Product Summary

Ecom Babes is an eCommerce training program specifically for women who wish to start their own business. Cortney Fletcher designed the course, which focuses largely on dropshipping.

Everything you need to know about the business model is included in the eCom Babes course. However, the program’s expenses and price aren’t revealed anywhere on the website so we are not entirely sure whether it’s affordable or costly. However, if you’re willing to get started, the course will offer you some adequate training.

Product Rating: 50/100

Would I Recommend This Program: NO

Recommended: Discover how you can build a Full-Time 4-Figure Monthly Income with No Previous Experience.

Ecom Babes Background


Ecom Babes is a beginner-friendly training program designed to assist women in starting and growing their own eCommerce businesses. This method was created by Cortney Fletcher to appeal to total newbies with no prior experience making money online.

She also discusses a strategy known as “Connective Ecommerce.” It’s a strategy that avoids paying for product awareness marketing in favor of relying on affiliate marketers to promote your items for you.

What’s more is that Ecom Babes isn’t simply a course, either. It’s also a support group for women who want help operating and growing their businesses from the bottom up. Because the training is more geared toward beginners, the fundamentals of this business model will be comprehensively covered.

The majority of the program will focus on the dropshipping business model. The latter sections would cover more advanced issues such as creating and running advertising, as well as how to grow up your business.

Who Is Cortney Fletcher?


Just like many other successful digital marketers, Cortney Fletcher was also a college dropout turned eCommerce millionaire. She claims that her online jewelry company, Transcend, makes up to $24,000 each day in sales.

On the other hand, her training program, Ecom Babes is a six-week digital course that will teach you how to use Shopify dropshipping to create your own online business and receive paying clients within four weeks.

Cortney only works with like-minded women that are searching for a side hustle or a new job to support themselves.

According to her, it is not necessary to have any prior expertise or experience when taking the course and you can’t go wrong if you follow her step-by-step training, do the worksheets, and get help from her private Facebook group and weekly Q&A calls.

You may also check out her Youtube channel here.


Inside Ecom Babes

Ecom Babes offers you a 6-week training program. You’ll also gain access to their private Facebook group, platform updates, as well as community support filled with other women. Additionally, there are weekly group coaching calls available.

Here’s a quick rundown of what Ecom Babes has to offer inside the course:

Week 1: Welcome and Shifting Your MIndset

The first week consists of a welcome session and a mindset module. Here, Cortney will tell you here that Ecom Babes is for:

  • Women with no prior eCommerce experience.
  • Women who have some eCommerce expertise or who own (or have owned) an eCommerce shop at one time.

Courtney’s dropshipping journey will be discussed in the mindset module, as well as how she overcame obstacles and maintained consistency throughout.

Week 2: New Age of Ecommerce

Week 2 is where you will finally begin your actual eCommerce training. Here you will discover the fundamentals of eCommerce, including how to establish your niche, how to apply the business model, and how to source items.

Week 3: 7 Figure Store Anatomy

This section delves into the technical aspects of setting up an online store. You’ll learn how to use Shopify, how to purchase a domain name, and how to add themes and goods to your store in this section.

Note: Ecom Babes will require you to purchase a premium membership in order to access all of Shopify’s features. This module will also include a checklist or step-by-step guide to help you understand what you need to accomplish so you don’t get lost.


Week 4: Setting up Social

The fourth session will walk you through creating Facebook and Instagram profiles. These will be the primary sources of traffic for your company.

Week 5: Connective eCommerce

Courtney’s “Connective eCommerce” perspective will be discussed in Week 5. This strategy assures that you’ll have a steady stream of visitors without having to spend money on advertisements.

Week 6: Scaling With Ads

The last lesson will cover how to scale and set up Facebook marketing campaigns. You’ll discover how to target the proper folks and write effective ad text. Courtney will walk you through her sponsored marketing strategy on social media from beginning to end.

Recommended: Everything Needed To Create Your Full-Time Online Business From Scratch Can Be Found Right Here

Getting Started with Ecom Babes


Unfortunately, Ecom Babes does not make its pricing available to the public. Rather, you’ll be invited to schedule a conversation with a member of Courtney’s team, during which you’ll be taken through what Ecom Babes can do for you.

Because this person is most likely from the sales team, you will be requested to participate in an “interview” or “screening” before you can sign up for the program.

This is a popular method of persuading people to purchase products, and we’ve encountered a couple of programs where buyers are required to arrange a call to obtain the pricing.

Approximately a few thousand dollars is what you may anticipate paying for this training.

Ecom Babes Ugly Truths Exposed!

#1 Price Is Not Disclosed

The course may be suitable for beginners, but given the sales call strategy, we believe it will set you back at least a thousand dollars. The course is aimed at women who are just starting with making money online, yet it appears that not everyone can afford to purchase it.

Advantages of Ecom Babes

#1 Beginner-Friendly

The curriculum at Ecom Babes is designed to teach total newbies like you about eCommerce and dropshipping and it does an excellent job of ensuring that you stay on track.

#2 Supportive Community

Ecom Babes is a community of thousands of women who network with one another. Their ECom Babes Facebook group now has 8.9k members and is increasing, so it’s safe to say that this is a really active community with a good course.

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Is Ecom Babes a Scam or a Legit Program?

Ecom Babes is a legitimate training course, and with almost 9,000 members in their Private Group, it’s safe to say they’re doing an excellent job of teaching women to be eCommerce entrepreneurs. However, because we are not entirely sure of how much this course actually costs, I cannot recommend it wholeheartedly.

With that said, if you’re looking for genuine and legitimate opportunities to make money online and if you’re not scared of putting in long hours, acquiring new skills, and changing your financial situation, you might want to get into affiliate marketing.

You can generate money online while also helping others by connecting people with the items and services they require or looking for.

The best thing about affiliate marketing is you can also use your knowledge of your hobbies, passions, and interests to establish your own profitable internet business.

If this is something that interests you, check out my recommendation below.

How Do I Use The Internet to Make a Full-Time Salary?

I’m not a big fan of get-rich-quick schemes, let’s just say that I’ve been caught short a few times.

Instead, Affiliate Marketing is my leading recommendation for people that want to build a thriving full-time online business working from home.

Here are my reasons why…

  • You can get started for Free.
  • There’s no pressure to recruit family and friends, or anyone else for that matter.
  • You can create a business from virtually any product including the ones that you already buy. You are not limited to low-income or inferior products.

Affiliate Marketing can help you to…

Generate a 4-Figure Monthly Salary and become financially free from the limitations of a traditional day job. You can do this in less than 12 months!

If you want to find out how I did it, Click Here!


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