What Is My Lead System Pro?

Whatever kind of online business you run today, your ability to advertise yourself online, attract customers, and create leads will make or break your operation. And after you master those abilities, how rapidly your revenue increases will depend on your capacity to generate traffic and leads in a reliable and automatic manner.

The majority of business owners believe that all they need to do is create leads. They browse every blog article and YouTube video they can find, and they might even invest in a book or a few video courses. They can see how it should operate, but something isn’t quite right.

The issue is that, contrary to popular belief, lead generation entails considerably more (and also much more than what most trainers are willing to tell you). It involves branding, copywriting, visual design, the appropriate tools, as well as the capacity to drive traffic through paid advertisements, social media, and search traffic.

With that said, let’s now look at a course that promises to instruct you on all of the aforementioned concepts. This is My Lead System Pro.

The fact that you’ve taken a moment to scrutinize this product before signing up should be applauded. You’ve done yourself a huge favor. Your due diligence will save you from potentially wasting your time and money.

A good bit of research always goes a long way in the fight against online scams. Creating a sustainable full-time online business is not difficult. You just need to know where to look.

Before we proceed I’d like to let you know that I’m not linked to My Lead System Pro in any sort of way and I’m not trying to sell you this product.

Instead, I’d like to show you why this program should be avoided…


My Lead System Pro Product Review

  • Name of Product: My Lead System Pro
  • Owner: Brian Fanale, Todd Schlomer, and Norbert Orlewicz
  • Type of Product: Lead Generation Service
  • Cost of Product: Price ranges from $42/month to $300/month
  • Who Is This Product Best For? Established affiliate marketers or online business owners

My Lead System Pro Product Summary

My Lead System Pro or MLSP aims to assist you in generating more leads and sales online by providing a collection of effective training courses and tools.

In other words, it serves as a genuine platform for launching an internet business. However, the price is a little too steep, and the instruction may be very daunting for beginners. Overall, I believe that MLSP is only suitable for those who are already experts or quite established in the industry.

Product Rating: 70/100

Would I Recommend This Program: NO!

Recommended: Discover how you can build a Full-Time 4-Figure Monthly Income with No Previous Experience.

My Lead System Pro Background


Instead of engaging their friends and family, MLSP was first created as a tool to assist Network Marketers and Multi-Level Marketers in generating more leads (possible customers) and sales online.

In order to provide you with the resources and training you need to promote goods or services online, MLSP set itself up as a lead-generating system.

Fast forward to today, it has developed into a highly complete tool that may assist anybody working from home, including network marketers, affiliate marketers, small company owners, and anyone else, in generating leads for their companies.

Because MLSP provides a variety of assistance, I claimed that they are a service. They can help you create your list and then follow up with it thanks to their expertise, resources, and assistance.

To ensure that everyone succeeds, they also have a community of like-minded people that can support each other.

How Does My Lead System Pro Work?

My Lead System Pro focuses on a type of marketing known as “Attraction Marketing,” which simply refers to drawing clients to you by developing your brand and providing benefits rather than making a sales presentation to a crowd of “cold traffic” (uninterested people) in the hopes that they would sign up.

It takes time and effort to become proficient in attraction marketing. It’s not like you can just follow a method step-by-step and anticipate a result. However, if done properly, attraction marketing may be quite effective over time.

Because of this, MLSP offers a ton of training on how to use attraction marketing to increase leads and sales online. In order to assist you with the technical elements, the solutions offered by MLSP are likewise founded on the idea of attraction marketing.


Additionally, the major objective of MLSP is to assist individuals in growing their businesses by passively generating more leads and revenues.

That’s why you may anticipate a rise in your business when you implement MLSP’s training and make use of its resources if you currently run a home business, network marketing business, or affiliate marketing business.

However, My Lead System Pro has also given its own “affiliate scheme” a lot of attention. MLSP’s “affiliate program” is denoted with an inverted comma because it isn’t actually an affiliate program.

Although several people have proven that it is truly their own MLM business, they labeled it as their affiliate program. There are sponsors (upline) and downlines for you, and they have their own pay structure just like any MLM has.

In essence, you can earn money by encouraging others to join MLSP.

Inside My Lead System Pro



Over 46 training courses are available on MLSP’s platform. They’ve divided their instruction into stages for beginners, intermediates, and experts, which is a fantastic thing. The cornerstone of attraction marketing serves as the first instruction for newcomers.

Along with training on mentality, there are also lessons to assist people in identifying their target market. You will learn about setting up automatic webinars, outsourcing, and becoming a coach throughout advanced training.

Additionally, they provide Network Marketer-specific training so that they may improve their business abilities. In general, MLSP offers a set of training that is highly deep and extensive and is quite beneficial for everybody in the company.

They are quite easy to consume because they are presented in bite-sized video and text formats. The major drawback is that just 20 minutes of some of the longer movies (over an hour) include very valuable information.

Recommended: Everything Needed To Create Your Full-Time Online Business From Scratch Can Be Found Right Here


Along with training, MLSP also offers some pretty good tools that may help you develop, interact with, and follow up with your leads.

  • Funnelizer!
  • MLSP CRM (Customer Relationship Manager)
  • Daily Morning Wake-up Call


At MLSP, three primary types of support are provided:

  • 1-on-1 Coaching
  • Community
  • Live Chat Support

Getting Started with My Lead System Pro


The three membership levels offered by MLSP are basic ($42), professional ($125), and premium ($250). Because you cannot access the Pure Profit Products, Premium Mentorship Training, Live Chat Support, or the blogging platform of MLSP Sites, be aware that the basic membership has very few benefits.

While Live Chat Support and Premium Mentorship Training are not available to professional members. You can only access everything if you purchase the Premium subscription, which may cost up to $300 per month. Other platform-wide upsell training is also not included in this.

My Lead System Pro Ugly Truths Exposed!

#1 Not For Beginners

Those new to the industry who don’t already have a business established are the beginners I’m referring to here. You can manage your own website as a blogger or establish a “brick-and-mortar” business. It is irrelevant. You may take advantage of MLSP as long as you own your own company.

Unfortunately, it will be quite difficult for those of you without a business to just use their “affiliate scheme” to earn money. For those who haven’t made any money online, the membership fee is also a little too much.

In addition, the abundance of training resources presents another issue, one that is likely to overwhelm newcomers. This is a typical issue for businesses that prioritize establishing ideals.

Advantages of My Lead System Pro

#1 Great Training

As I’ve already mentioned, MLSP offers a pretty thorough training program with a wealth of material that can be used in a variety of situations. Additionally, they are divided into three categories for persons with varying degrees of experience: beginning, intermediate, and advanced.

The program is tailored specifically for network marketers. Additionally, their regular live webinars are incredibly beneficial.

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Is My Lead System Pro a Scam or a Legit Program?

My Lead System Pro is not a scam, that much is certain. They are a really sizable and interesting group where individuals may learn many valuable lessons.

How Do I Use The Internet to Make a Full-Time Salary?

I’m not a big fan of get-rich-quick schemes, let’s just say that I’ve been caught short a few times.

Instead, an Amazon FBA Business is my leading recommendation for people that want to build a thriving full-time online business working from home.

Here are my reasons why…

  • There’s no pressure to recruit family and friends, or anyone else for that matter.
  • Learn a unique method to source incredible, high-profit, low-competition products that are virtually hidden from your competitors. 
  • You don’t need to sell hundreds of different products to create lucrative profits with this fresh, exciting business model.

An Amazon FBA business can help you to…

Generate a 5-7 Figure Salary and become financially free from the limitations of a traditional day job. You can do this in less than 12 months!

If you want to find out how I did it, Click Here!


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