The internet is bursting with health and wellness opportunities from MLM companies, however, most of them are illegitimate and unethical. In this review I’ll be looking at a program called Trivita and unveiling whether it can provide you with decent enough earnings from promoting high-end health products.

Let us find out what Trivita is all about…

The fact that you’ve taken a moment to scrutinize this product before buying it should be applauded. You’ve done yourself a massive favour. Your due diligence will save you from wasting money and time.

A good bit of research always goes a long way in the fight against online scams. The good thing to know is that creating a sustainable full-time online business is not difficult. You just need to know where to look.

Before we proceed I’d like to let you know that I’m not linked to Trivita in any sort of way and I’m not trying to sell you this product.

Instead, I’d like to show you whether Trivita is really an opportunity worth pursuing or if this Health and Wellness MLM is a scam?

Trivita Product Summary

  • Name of Product:  Trivita 
  • Owner: Michael R Ellison
  • Type of Product:  Health and Wellness MLM Program
  • Cost:  $50 Monthly PV
  • Who Is This Product Best For?  People with a knack for selling health and wellness supplements. 

Trivita Product Summary 

In a nutshell, Trivita claims to be a wellness and health MLM backed up by science, however, I’m dubious about this product. There are several similar programs online but I’m yet to find one that is profitable and worth pursuing.


The problem with this Trivita is that they are vague about the amount of money that you can make from it. The lack of an income disclosure statement makes it a guessing game, therefore, there’s no clarity about the profits that existing members are earning.

Product Rating: 45/100

Would I Recommend This Product?  Not a chance!

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Trivita Explained

As mentioned earlier, Trivita is a multi-level marketing (MLM) business that specializes in wellness and health. It was created over 2 decades ago by a guy named Michael R Ellison. The business is presently based in Scottsdale, Arizona.

The website states that the company supplies “science-based nutritional supplements” and in addition to that, they offer medical media in several formats including a web series and podcasts.

They showcase leading medical professionals through their content and also distribute a Trivita magazine every quarter.

Trivita also run a clinic that specializes in integrating medicine with the help of their team of physicians who utilize holistic practices to give treatment to various illnesses.


Michael Ellison is the CEO of Trivita and Marcus Ellison is the Chief Marketing Officer.

Trivita Product Range

It wouldn’t be possible to list the entire product line in this article without boring you senseless. To keep things simple, I’ll split the range based on their categories.

Clicking this link will take you to the company’s complete product range.

  1. Targeted Nutrition: Within this category, Adaptuit is their leading product. This is a healthy supplement that fights off stress-related sicknesses like heart disease or diabetes. For those that suffer from from insomnia, there’s a sleep product called Adaptuit Sleep. You will also find medication for joint pain called Joint Complex.
  2. Products For Ageing: Their front runner in this category is Nopalea, a fruit based drink containing a nutrient named Betalain extracted from a prickly pear named Nopal. Within this category you will also find products such as TriVita Slow Dissolve B-12 tablets.
  3. Performance products: these are designed to help build lean muscle quicker. Here, you will find products such as MyoHealth™ Vegan tablets, MyoHealth Lemonade 2 Pack and MyoHealth™ Essential Amino Acid Complex Berry Crush.
  4. Herbal products: According to Trivita, the herbs that they put into their supplements are derived from the Amazon rain forest. The product range includes Rejuvenate, Zamu Protect, Fiberzon Capsules, Aqua Algae, Rain forest Treasure Tea.

Are Trivita Products Reliable?

Although Trivita products appear to be of high quality, Web MD , a reputable medical website, has warned readers about potential side effects of using Trivita products.

You can click the above link if you’re interested in reading more about the warning. However, the general atmosphere from the company’s customers is mainly positive.

The customer reviews found on their Facebook page state that the products are the real deal and the negative reviews state that the products didn’t have a positive or negative effect on them.


Health supplements react differently for each of us because our bodies all respond in different ways to vitamins and minerals. That is why the topic of nutritional supplements will forever be subjective, therefore, the customer reviews are always going to be a mixed bag. What works for one person might not work for the other.

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Profiting with Trivita

Trivita offers a standard commission structure similar to most MLM businesses. You are paid for the following-

  • Commissions from product sales.
  • Earnings from recruiting other members.

Signing Up With Trivita

If you decide to partner up with Trivita and begin an MLM business with them, you’ll have to join their monthly auto-ship which costs $20.

Criteria for The Auto-Ship

To achieve the biggest payouts and commission rates, you’ll need to buy a bottle of Nopalea via auto-ship, which will cost you in the region of $50 every month.

You’ll then be given a version of your own website and resources at no extra fee.

Trivita Compensation Scheme

Once you’ve got your website, you can now make money via the Trivita compensation scheme. As standard, you can profit from each sale either as a member or as a retail buyer.

Affiliate Member Rankings

As a member, you will need to work up the ranks to get the maximum commissions as well as bonuses.

The ranks span across 10 different levels. To get higher up, you will have to increase your GV (Group Volume) and PV (Personal Volume).


In a nutshell, you and your team will need to sell more products to be promoted to a higher level.

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Income Accelerator Weekly Bonus

Each time a new member signs up, they are given the opportunity to make money from the Income Accelerator Weekly Bonus.

To be eligible for the bonus, the new member has to buy a product within the initial 60 days of joining the program. The bonus amount that the member is awarded will depend on their current ranking.

Unilevel Commissions

After the 60 days has lapsed, members will be able to make extra commissions through the Unilevel Commission Structure.

The levels beneath the member (to build a team) are unlimited, however, the earnings are limited to the first 7 levels.

The amount of commission will also depend on the member’s ranking.

The video below explains the compensation plan in more detail:

Trivita Exposed!

(1) Costly Products

Trivita products are not cheap. The cost of the product range is on par with premium products. As an example, lets say that we decided to buy the 60-count Omega 3 Prime capsules.


If we were to compare the pricing to alternative brands we would find that the Trivita capsules cost $29.99 compared to $9.10 for an alternative product. In addition to that, there are plenty of similar products on Amazon that are cheaper than $30.

The high product cost makes it challenging for members to sell the range to customers who can easily go elsewhere to buy a less expensive alternative, even if Trivita Products are really that good.

(2) Trivita Has Been Fined For False Health Claims

Did you know that in 2014 Trivita was at the centre of a lawsuit for contravening the FTC act, which forbids misleading and unjust commercial practices.

Trivita marketed fake claims and adverts via printed ads and infomercials containing claims about their leading product, Nopalea, that were not supported or proven by evidence.

If you want to read more about the lawsuit you can access the full story by clicking this link.

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(3) Where Is The Income Disclosure Statement

The majority of MLM businesses will place an income disclosure statement at the forefront of their business model to show potential members the amount of money they can earn depending on their ranking and to demonstrate how sustainable their business model is.

It’s always best to look at the worst case scenarios, therefore, you should review the yearly earnings for members in the lowest rank.

If they are making no more that $1,000 per year, this would be an average of about $85 per month. But in this case, we can’t even work out the projected earnings for Trivita because there’s no Income disclosure statement.

Trivita Advantages

Unfortunately, there’s nothing that stands out about becoming a member with Trivita. There are much better ways to make online.

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Is Trivita a Scam?

Trivita is definitely NOT a scam. Instead, it’s a genuine MLM company that focuses on wellness and health. The company promotes high-end supplements, however, the opportunity to make decent earnings with them is a steep uphill struggle.


For starters, the product range is priced too high compared to similar products on the market. Customer can easily find a cheaper alternative elsewhere without looking too hard. Unlike other MLM companies, Trivita does not provide an income disclosure statement to help you work out your projected income.

It’s difficult to gauge whether their members are actually making money and if so, how much?

Naturally, this leads me to my next question…

How Do I Use The Internet to Make a Full-Time Salary?

Like with anything else, making money online is a skill that can be learnt, it only requires a bit of dedication and consistency but it’s totally worth it when you can one day walk into your boss’s office and fire him/her.

I’ve personally learnt how to generate a monthly income stream, with no previous knowledge. I can work where I want and when I want. You can do the same too. Find out more here.

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