Update: Profit With Alex has now been taken down, however, if you’ve found a duplicate system touting the same features and income earnings then read on.

In this review, I’ll walk you through Profit With Alex and reveal whether you can actually make similar profits of $4,000+ per month. Is this system (or other versions of it) your fast track to early retirement?

The fact that you’ve taken a moment to scrutinize this product before buying it should be applauded. You’ve done yourself a massive favour. Your due diligence will save you from wasting money and time.

A good bit of research always goes a long way in the fight against online scams. The good thing to know is that creating a sustainable full-time online business is not difficult. You just need to know where to look.

Profit With Alex is a popular program because of the number of affiliates promoting the system in exchange for a commission, however, that doesn’t mean it’s a good product.

This review will reveal everything that you need to know to make an informed decision about whether Profit With Alex is a scam or not.

Profit With Alex Review

  • Name of Product- Profit With Alex
  • Owner- Alex Goodwin Anonymous
  • Type of Product- Affiliate Marketing Software Website Builder
  • Cost-$37
  • Who Does This Product Work For? The owner and affiliates promoting this product

Profit With Alex Summary

Unfortunately, there are no profits to be had here. Profit With Alex is a worthless product that claims it can leverage Amazon, eBay and Google to help you make affiliate commissions. It’s overly hyped and riddled with exaggerated claims, however, don’t expect to change your life financially.

Rather than buying Profit With Alex, save your money and invest your efforts in a reliable system that actually works.

In the following sections, I’ll show you the inner workings of this product and why you should steer clear of it. I’ve thoroughly researched the reasons why Profit With Alex is a worthless product. Stay tuned!

Product Rating: 1/100

Would I Recommend It? Absolutely not!

Highly Recommended: Discover how you can build a Full-Time 4-Figure Monthly Income with No Previous Experience

Inside Profit With Alex (PWA)

Profit With Alex is a system which purports that it can assist you to create multiple money-making websites in less than 5 minutes and all it takes is 14 clicks.

The idea is that you’ll build a website that resembles an e-commerce site, however, what you’re building is actually an affiliate site with product links that click through to Amazon or eBay.


Therefore, whenever an individual clicks on a product link within your site, they’ll be directed straight to the checkout page on Amazon or eBay. You will then be awarded a percentage of the sale as commission once the customer has paid for the order.

You don’t get involved with the order fulfillment such as shipping, packaging or returns. The seller does the rest and your job is to create the website and promote the products. Sounds good?

The technique of promoting a third party’s products in exchange for a commission of the sale is called Affiliate Marketing.

1st Step: Researching Your Product

Inside the PWA system you will find an automated tool that supposedly carries out product research. It sources popular products with low competition.


The above image shows the number of searches for various trending items as well as competitiveness and CPC (cost per click). The tool will help you find a profitable niche and a range of products to market on your website.​

So, from the looks of it, you’ll be carrying out some valuable research to find worthwhile products to make money. There’s only one problem…

The Automated Product Analysis tool doesn’t work. All that it does is find a random product category and that’s as far as it goes!

2nd Step: Creating Your Website

Once you’ve selected your product category, you then need to brainstorm a name for your website and determine how frequently you want to update your product list. You also need to choose several keywords for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

3rd Step: Driving Traffic To Your Website

At this stage, Alex claims that there’s another resource he uses to drive traffic to newly built websites. It’s called Xtreme Traffic Accelerator.

But there’s another problem…

Once you’ve paid for PWA, this tool is nowhere to be found. Where is it? No idea.

The product highlights a few traffic generating strategies within the platform:

  • Leaving comments in blogs.
  • Participating in forums.
  • Joining Facebook groups that relate to your chosen product/s.

4th Step: Launching Your Website

This stage simply involves making your website live online once your products are loaded to it.

Notably, the websites created through PWA will extract the product information from the relevant retail sites i.e. Amazon and eBay such as-

  • Images
  • Product titles
  • Product descriptions
  • Product specs
  • Product reviews

PWA claims that the existing product reviews, pulled from Amazon, will help to convert sales.

The reality is that the process of turning a reader into a buyer is flawed, therefore, you will make very little profit (if any) no matter how many times Alex says that you can profit with him.

Affiliate marketing needs a solid foundation and resources for it to work. What that means is you have to provide your readers with high-quality helpful content before you can even consider recommending them products to buy.

My Top Recommendation: Access Market Leading Affiliate Marketing Training to Make a Full-Time Income.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Profit With Alex


(1) It’s Easy To Create a Website With PWA

The benefits of Profit With Alex are few and far between.

At least you the website creation process is simple and quick. The most you need to do is select a category, think of a name for the site, come up with a list of keywords relating to your products and that’s it.

The problem is the low quality of the website. I’ll explain this in the disadvantages section.

(2) A Decent Refund Policy

Amazingly, PWA comes with a 60-Day Money-Back guarantee.

Profit With Alex is a ClickBank product, therefore, it’s covered with the same 60-Day refund policy that’s offered with all their products.

It’s worth highlighting that ClickBank will need a convincing reason before issuing a refund.


(1) Alex Goodwill is NOT Real!

Unfortunately, the benefits end here. Things get precarious from here on…

The sales page is inundated with false claims of big profits. Alex tells us a rags-to-riches story and explains that his program has given him and his family financial freedom beyond what he could ever imagine.

The image shown below is meant to be Alex and his family.


This photo is merely a stock photo that has been used on several websites. It’s misleading!


The same picture can be seen on realtor.com

The truth is, “Alex” is an imaginary person made up by the creator of this lousy product.

The actual person running this product has chosen to remain elusive to avoid the negative backlash from unhappy customers.

(2) Where Are My Tools?

During the sales pitch, we are told the platform includes a 5 step process which can be set in motion after you’ve purchased PWA.

However, after you’ve signed up you will discover that 2 important steps have been completely missed out…

The Xtreme Traffic Accelerator and Auto Product Research tool cannot be found anywhere within the platform. Where has Alex hidden them? Or did they ever exist? Your guess is as good as mine.

(3) False Amazon Profits


One of the earlier PWA sales videos shows an 8-day Amazon income summary which has now been removed from the website.

If you analyse the summary the figures don’t seem to make sense. You would need a very big advertising budget, of paid traffic, to generate over 20,000 clicks. The 0.41% conversation is also extremely small.

If you’ve used Amazon Associates before and are a stickler for detail you will notice that the above earnings figure is shown as “$4342” rather than “$4,342.00”, therefore, the profits appear to have been falsified. I can’t say that I’m surprised.

Alex eventually figured out that his fake profits were revealed and he’s since changed the profits on the income statement to a realistic figure of $475.05 over a 6-day period.

My Top Recommendation: Access Market Leading Affiliate Marketing Training to Make a Full-Time Income.

(4) Ineffective SEO. You Won’t Receive Organic Traffic

When creating a website through Profit With Alex, there’s a section that needs you to input a list of relevant keywords.

Alex states that these keywords will boost your website’s rankings in search engines and as a result, will generate heaps of organic traffic.

Sorry, this is totally untrue.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) isn’t just as easy as plucking up a few keywords. There’s more to it than that. For starters, your site will need to be content-rich and provide value to its readers before Google will even consider ranking it.

In addition to this, Google does not like duplicate content. Websites created using PWA pull existing content from sites such as eBay and Amazon which would eventually result in your website getting penalized by Google. Once you’re blacklisted by Google forget about getting ranked anytime soon.

The truth of the matter is that you will not drive organic traffic to your website using Alex’s strategies. Your website needs traffic to make money, but PWA doesn’t teach about effective ways to build traffic.

(5) Amazon Will Shut Down Your Account

Amazon regularly reviews their associate’s websites and they will close accounts with websites that pull content from existing product listings. PWA sites don’t contain unique content and are easy to weed out.

On top of that, there are more issues with PWA. Amazon will decline applicants that submit websites with duplicate content.

Every Amazon associate applicant has to provide their website URL to be reviewed by the Amazon team before their account is accepted.

If you don’t have an existing Amazon Associate account, there’s no way you can get one with a website created by PWA.

(6) Hosting???

PWA claims that part of their service involves hosting your site, however, the websites that are provided to you are all sub-domains. Which means it doesn’t cost anything to run sub-domain websites.

Alex then explains how he wants to give you his system free of charge instead of the $497 it normally costs. The only thing he is asking for is a fee of $37 to host your website. Did you see what he just did there?

For those of you that are new to this, paying for web hosting is not a one-off charge. It a continuous fee that’s charged annually and it normally costs about $10 to $20 each year.

Further to this Alex supposedly provides a 60-Day refund policy. There is no such thing as a hosting service that offers refunds.

The truth is that the $37 is Alex’s actual product fee which he wants to keep. Alex is making it look like he’s doing you a favour and in return, all he wants is a smaller payment to cover the hosting. It’s all a lie.

7. Customisation is Non-existant

If you want to make your website look more appealing to your customers then you’re fresh out of luck. Sadly, you cannot customise any part of the site, not even the fonts, colours or the layout.

The template used to create your website is also used by other members in the same category, therefore, unless you’re the only person that chooses your category, all of the websites will look identical. More Google penalties on the way!?

(8) Worthless Affiliate Marketing Techniques

Affiliate Marketing is a great way to earn a handsome salary online. There are many avenues to go about this such as blogging, social media marketing, email marketing, video marketing and so on.

Profit With Alex teaches strategies that are completely ineffective in our modern digital age. The techniques might have worked maybe 10 years ago but they certainly won’t work now.

You can’t simply automate an online business with minimum effort and begin to earn tons of money.

Is Profit With Alex a Scam?

I’ll leave you to be the judge of that. I’ve revealed a myriad of flaws within PWA.

I like my reviews to be fair and wherever possible I’ll highlight the benefits of a product no matter how small. If there’s even a small amount of value on offer, I’d rather label the product to be inferior instead of a scam.

However, my personal opinion about Profit With Alex is that it’s an outright scam. The product’s sole purpose is to snatch your money and give nothing in return.

PWA is more trouble than it’s worth. The creator wants to stay hidden from his customers, he uses stock photos to disguise himself and false earnings to appear as though he is making so much money.

I’d recommend staying away from Profit With Alex. I wouldn’t touch this product with a barge pole.

How Do I Use The Internet to Make a Full-Time Salary?

Like with anything else, making money online is a skill that can be learnt, it only requires a bit of dedication and consistency but it’s totally worth it when you can one day walk into your boss’s office and fire him/her.

I’ve personally learn’t how to generate a monthly income stream, with no previous knowledge. I can work where I want and when I want. You can do the same too. Find out more here.

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