Is Zip Nada Zilch a Scam? Zip Nada Zilch (ZNZ) is an online opportunity introduced by a guy named Martin Wilson who claims that you can earn between $80-$100 multiples times every single day and you can do so without needing to sell/market a product or make an initial investment?

Does this sound too good to be true? Let’s find out…  

Product Review of Zip Nada Zilch

Product Name: Zip Nada Zilch 
Cost: $0-$10 + paid subscriptions (dependant on level)
Owner/s: Martin Wilson
Rating: 1/10 ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

If you want to learn how to make real money online, read my top recommendation right here

What is Zip Nada Zilch?

Firstly, the system is accessed through a site named Cash2Flow. You are taken to a sales video that shows Martin promoting ZNZ. He describes it as a system that not only makes you money but doesn’t cost anything to sign up. Apparently, it earns you several payments that range from $80-$100 per day.

We are told that if you use ZNZ it involves no product sales or marketing but, by some kind of magic, it routes several payments from 3rd party promotions directly to you. Martin demonstrates this a few times in the video showing his PayPal account below:


At this point I’m still asking myself, is Zip Nada Zilch a scam? I’m baffled how exactly the system would earn me the alleged multiple daily payments of $80-$100. I would hold off planning my early retirement.   

How Does ZNZ Make You Money?

Once you join Zip Nada Zilch, you begin the process of signing up to various promotions and trials offered by different companies i.e. GoDaddy, Direct TV etc. You will need to continue signing up to various offers in the hopes of becoming a ZNZ internet referral agent.

What’s so special about becoming an internet referral agent for ZNZ?

Becoming an agent allows you to use the ZNZ platform to earn commissions from referrals when others sign up for ZNZ offers. This is made possible via your referral link and various marketing videos that are provided to you. You also have the option of building a free website using ZNZ to promote their products and affiliates.

There’s an emphasis to share your referral in as many places as possible i.e. through your social media accounts, any existing blogs you might have, your websites and email subscribers if you have any.  


Commission Structure

ZNZ offers 2 commission tiers-  

  • ZNZ One earns you $20 commission for every referral that joins via your link and signs up to promotional offers.
  • ZNZ Big Cash bumps up your commissions to $60-$80 for your referrals.

ZNZ One is relatively simple to accomplish by signing up to various promotional trials using ZNZ qualifies you to start generating $20 commissions.  

ZNZ BigCash requires an initial deposit of approx $10 and an adequate amount of paid trials before you are eligible for the higher commissions.


Overall, ZNZ functions similar to an affiliate marketing network but at a high level. By becoming a part of the network, you market ZNZ promotions to potential sign-ups through your sites, blogs, Facebook, Twitter and so on. If anyone takes on a ZNZ offer via your referral link, you earn a commission. Simple as that.

Is ZNZ worth the effort?

I love and enjoy affiliate marketing! I think it’s a great way to make money and offers very little barriers to entry. You also have plenty of choice of products to promote using affiliate marketing; some of which you can create and offer to the world.  

The problem with ZNZ is that it’s a very short-term solution. It’s not a viable affiliate business for the long run and I’ll explain why-

Restricted product mix

As a marketer, the affiliate products that you promote should have inbuilt value, so that promoting them is an easier task. Your potential customers should feel like they are getting good value for their money. This makes them happy, makes you money, encourages repeat business and helps you grow through word of mouth.

Working with ZNZ would mean promoting services like broadband/cable packages, video subscriptions etc. Don’t get me wrong, these aren’t rubbish products but it would be much harder to make unique content to promote such products. This would restrict your chances of ranking high in Google or Bing. I’ve been down this road and it’s frustrating, to say the least.


You Have To Take Up The Offers

Before you can earn commission through ZNZ, you will need to take up free / paid trials even if these aren’t services that you would usually take up. You then have the task of persuading other potential referrals to take up an offer that doesn’t interest you.

To prevent charges, from these unwanted offers you will need to keep an on the sign-up dates and ensure that you cancel the offer prior to the end of the trial.

You might need to keep a spreadsheet of the different offers and dates. This could become an arduous chore depending on the volume of offers at any given time!   

No control of Product Offers

In his sales video, Martin tells us that ZNZ’s product offers evolve over a period. Although this might sound good, it’s not great for your affiliate business prospects because any promotional product content that you create today could be outdated by next month.

You want to be in a position that any content you create continues to pay you for the longest possible time. For example, an article that I created last year still makes money.    

ZNZ relies on external companies for promotions and earnings and it’s highly probable that the site might shut down at some point if the tap runs dry.  

The free website isn’t flexible

Even though ZNZ offers a free website as part of the package, you soon discover a low standard website template with limited features. Directing and building website traffic or creating call-to-actions would be difficult with limited website functionality.


  • ZNZ gives helpful training and support. Members say that Martin assists with issues and responds to questions.
  • The system isn’t a scam but unfortunately, it can’t be sustained as a long-term affiliate business.


  • Promotions within ZNZ are no different to trials regularly seen online which change and expire abruptly.  
  • The free website included is sub par and has limited functionality.


ZNZ is not worth your time and effort. With a bit of research, you will find lucrative online opportunities, like this one, to help you build a full-time online business.

Is Zip Nada Zilch a scam? No. But it’s hard to justify the effort and time because of the limited product range, limited ranking potential in Google or Bing and difficult products to market. Save your time and learn how to make real money online, read my top recommendation right here   


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